Biden balances his faith with social responsibility . Joe makes some uh...rather interesting points here. He's all over the road in typical Joe fashion so I'll try to unpack it. "We have mortal sins, venial sins, well, up until Pius IX, there were times when we said, 'Look, there are circumstances in which it's wrong but it is not damnation. Along came Pius IX in the 1860s (Ed -this was Joe's first term in the Senate) and declared in fine doctrine, this was the first time that it occurred that it was absolute human life and being at the moment of conception." Joe's playing fast and loose here. Abortion has always been a grave sin. The idea that it was somehow less of a sin because mortal and venial sins weren't codified is silly. Sort of like saying beating someone to death and beating someone are the same thing because they're both felonies. "It's always been a debate. I take my religion very seriously." No, it hasn't....