Daily Roundup
Newspapers are agonizing over allowing comments La Shawn Barber has some ideas. After pounding on Islam, Hitchen's gives a brutal beating to Mormons . Are we scaring our children to death? I'm old enough to go remember worrying about the world ending in a nuclear fireball while we slept. If kids are losing sleep over global warming myths, I say call the Waaahmbulance. What if the Timothy Leary was right ? I know more than a few people who could use some heavy drugs. Seriously, we've shut off any research into these drugs for absolutely insane reasons. Good to see they're taking them seriously again. I think I'm going to make Green Hypocrisy a regular feature. Lord knows there's enough material. Here's the latest . What the caliphate is and what it means . NB: the idea that dhimmis were treated well under the Caliph is shown to be a myth. Is Europe wising up? German media calls for a transatlantic ceasefire . Sarko's victory would go a long wa...