DV is a liar. Let's review: "What started out as a little home improvement project has quickly blossomed into a multi thousand dollar job with no end in sight." Who does that sound like? Who told us we'd be in and out in short order after we toppled the dictator? Yet here we are, years later with no end in sight. "Originally I was going to put in a bay window where these 2 small windows are to the right (see picture below). Well my dad, the genius that he is said, “Instead of that, why don’t you just move the door there instead? It will cost the same and may actually be less.” That was all I needed to here “Less” Well ges what? LESS IS MORE! WAY F@#$G MORE! WAY, WAY, WAY F$#%@!G MORE! (ironically the electrician is named Les….he ain’t no less!) The door did cost less it was only $1000 (snark) compared to $1400, butttttttttttt, guess what, do you see where those bushes are under the 2 porthole windows? Yep, I need a walkway, well I have 3 Mexicans fever...