I have a confession
I've been holding out on my reader(s). I've been playing soccer for the first time in literally a decade. We play once a week at from 8:30 until 10:00ish. I got roped into this by someone we'll call Brian. A few weeks ago when we started this I met Brian at his house so I could follow him to the field. We got there and there were only 7 guys. We took sides and I touched the ball to start the game. Brian took one step and tore his ACL. As he's writhing on the ground writhing in agony I say; "You are in so much trouble." His wife's parting words to us were "Don't get hurt". "I know" he said sucking in air and making sounds like a leaking tire that swears. That was the end of his summer career. In fact, he just had surgery this week to repair his leg. Some guys will do anything for attention. Anyway, back to the story... As we're making the initial introductions, three guys are wearing Red Bull New York gear. As ask one...