More on life with Autism
I've had requests to talk more about life with Autism. One thing that's difficult to convey to people with typical kids. My life is normal. That is, normal for me. It's what I do every day and I don't know anything different so it's routine, normal whatever you want to call it. That said, very, very few people understand my life and how it works. That is, things are often so radically different it defies explanation. Even with our own families I frequently have to explain (or try to) why some things are the way they are or why they are simply not possible. One huge stumbling block is when people fail to realize the importance of Routine and Structure. I capitalize these two because they are the primary drivers for people with Autism. Without them, my son cannot function. Literally, cannot function. The best description I've heard is the allegory of Flying To Holland. Imagine you book a vacation to Holland. You contact your travel agent to get some b...