For Democrats the answer is yes according to The New Republic . He cites some solid reasons but really even if he's completely right it's not going to be another 1994. It will be enough to blunt Obamas further efforts are massive, drastic changes. It will also make his favorite activity (Blame Someone Else) that much easier. It will take the pressure off for the True Believers who will be able to stay safe and warm in their cocoon of belief. It will ensure Obama runs in 2012 and likely defeat. That's a long way off but I think this Gulf fiasco is turning his most ardent supporters toward re-evaluation at least. I'd wager even the redoubtable LGOMB and Kavips have doubts they won't publicly air. In fact, Kavips posted one not too long ago that reeked of whistling past the graveyard . November is a few months away and any sort of predictions are very very early (That doesn't seem to stop you -ed). If things continue apace November could be very bad for...