When you're in one, stop digging. This is precisely the thing his most ardent critics have feared. He thinks there's a number after which you should not be allowed to keep your money. Oh, he hedged with his statement immediately prior. He said no one begrudges money that is "fairly earned". See, there's that famous liberal weasel word, "Fair". The problem is that "fair" is never defined. Let's assume for argument's sake that number is $5,000,000. I'd bet that if most Americans had that much in the bank they'd never work again and be happy about it. IIRC, Obama made about that much last year. Am I to believe he thinks he has "enough money"? If so, will he now donate 100% of his earnings to charity, or in keeping with his politics, the Treasury? If not, why not? This is a fundamental difference between Obama and the rest of America. Your average American wants to be a zillionaire. They believe it is th...