Gay marriage as a wedge issue
Eugene Volokh has a post linking to an article in that noted flaming liberal news organ the Wall Street Journal about gay marriage. As noted, a survey of 17 years worth of data shows that disease rates are down, population growth is up and marriage rates have gone up. Contrary to what we're told by gay marriage opponents. Donviti points to this as a wedge issue . Prof. Volokh notes that correlation isn't cause and that's certainly true and something to think about here but moreover the point stands. While you cannot necessarily attribute these positive factor changes to gay marriage it is clear that there is no net negative impact. While I understand the arguments on both sides, ultimately I think the battle is over and gays won. In 10 years this will be a dead issue. Kids that are growing up today are devoid of homophobia. We're entering what some are calling a "post gay" era. That is, gays no longer define themselves primarily as gay. Rather, it...