Daily Roundup
All class. All class II. All together now: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Quote of the day (Parenting edition): "If three years ago I had had all the facts about what motherhood really entails and sat down to carefully analyze whether or not this is an endeavor I should undertake, the overwhelming verdict would have been to get a goldfish and call it a day. What I couldn't have known in my pre-kid days, though, is how much God was planning to use motherhood to transform me." Quote of the day: "If it transposes a picture sequence like this to sex up a story about the Queen by transmitting an outright falsehood, just think what it is doing in the Middle East." Quote of the day III: "What's refreshing about this is that Yglesias is honestly and correctly admitting that liberals have no problem imposing their morality on others via a powerful and intrusive state. I wish that most liberals were as honest." Liberal snark at its finest. First Nifong and now ...