
Showing posts from September 30, 2007

News update

Things are going very badly in Iraq The economy continues to tank People get rich by inheritance and exploitation of the poor and middle class. Or not. There a number of myths on either side of the aisle that appear to be ossified into the party platforms. Offhand I can think of the following: Democrat: Republicans are of two types. Evil or stupid. Rich people are evil unless they're Democrat politicians or George Soros Hollywood Actors are excellent environmental stewards Hollywood Actors are very intelligent and knowligable enough to opine on public affairs and policies despite very few of them having any formal eduction Big Business is run by evil rich men who spend their days trying to screw their employees, customers and poor people generally Big Oil is run by evil rich men who spend their days trying to screw everyone and destroy the earth in the process. We could be oil independent if everyone drove a Prius. Democrat politicians are upstanding fellows who act out of the ...