Iraq, Al-Qaeda and the Tribes
Turning Iraq's Tribes Against Al-Qaeda The article talks about Tribes in Iraq have mutated over time in Iraq and now most of them are firmly allied against Al-Qaeda. The article notes that tribes are like nations. They don't have friends, they have interests. The Marines also duly note that the political winds can change quickly and it would be best to capitalize on our confluent interests now. One common thread that seems to gird articles by pro and anti-war articles is how unreliable the Iraqi Police are. It appears that they are overrun by militia members who keep their loyalty to their Imam but wear a different uniform. Theocrats the likes of which are running rampant in Andrew Sullivan's feverish imaginings of the Bush Administration. Hitchens also notes dryly: A young Marine officer stationed in one of the toughest parts of a very tough province, a man known to me for his hostility to bullshit, insists that American forces are "kicking the shit out of al-Qa...