Lawyers are like salt. Necessary in small doses but too much leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and ruins the endevor. This is a prime example. Emphasis mine. “One CIA pilot told me that in the mid 1990s, when Clinton was president, that the lawyers began to take over. Previously, they used to take CIA planes into hangars all the time, re-spray them, and come out with a different tail number. That way none of the tracing of CIA planes I’ve been doing since 9/11 would have been possible. The idea of flying around with one tail number for three years would have been thought completely nuts,” Grey told me. “But [Clinton-era] lawyers said they needed to stay legal. They even insisted that, to comply with FAA regulations, they needed stewardesses .” Can you imagine? In what reality are you living when you think that you need a stewardess on board for the transportation of terrorists? What, precisely, would said stewardess do during that flight? This is madness. Madness began by Cl...