The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Gerry Fulcher declares: A BLOG IS EQUIVALENT TO A WRITER’S FART and then goes on to prove the point. I don't know anything about this guy other than he apparently used to be on WDEL. (I do not listen to terrestrial radio so I didn't know that). Based on his first post and his comments at DWA , I can see he's study in contradictions. Brays about being a "real writer" and pounds and pounds on the fact that he's been published in such vaunted publications as TV Guide. Yes TV Guide, the bastion of crusading truth and breaking news. This is a big deal because according to Mr. Fulcher it was the most popular magazine in the world. Rest assured they were subscribing for the cutting edge investigative journalism not for, you know, TV listings. Almost immediately after talking about it's popularity, he says he "doesn't give a rat's ass about popularity". An odd thing for a "real" writer....