
Showing posts from January 2, 2005
Adventures in Dubai Ok, so I've been blogrolled. I must say I have a mixed reaction to this one. Keith the webmaster of the above link was kind enough to link to my 'blog on his own accord. I can only surmise this is due to my annoying habit of commenting on his posts and not the total lack of content here. I initially started this thing for me and haven't given the link to anyone as I'd pretty much be mortified that anyone would be reading my lame, uninspired, untimely posts. I am, however, grateful. Thank you, Keith and welcome Adventures In Dubai reader(s). If I see any evidence of actual visitors (i.e. the hit counter rising above 1) I'll make a concerted effort to improve. Promise.
Adventures in Dubai Ok, so I've been blogrolled. I must say I have a mixed reaction to this one. Keith the webmaster of the above link was kind enough to link to my 'blog on his own accord. I can only surmise this is due to my annoying habit of commenting on his posts and not the total lack of content here. I initially started this thing for me and haven't given the link to anyone as I'd pretty much be mortified that anyone would be reading my lame, uninspired, untimely posts. I am, however, grateful. Thank you, Keith and welcome Adventures In Dubai reader(s). If I see any evidence of actual visitors (i.e. the hit counter rising above 1) I'll make a concerted effort to improve. Promise.
The Tankrod One of the things I love about Jay Leno is his unbridled enthusiasm for cars. He's a car nut of the first order and the wallet to be a really great one. This is a prime example. Who else would think to do something as absurd as this? I would love to see this thing in action. Only in America can a guy build a car that gets 3 MPG!
The Unrepentant Leftist I try to refrain from meta-blogging but this post encapsulates the lefist view of the GWOT. The author misses the point that he has postulated a false dichotomy. This is not simply a question of either war or peace. You can do both at the same time. The US Navy is doing more than all others combined to help the tsunami victims in South Asia. Will we get credit from the Muslim world? From some, yes, from many, no. There is a great mass of people in the Muslim world that want only what your average westerner wants. Freedom to speak, worship (or not) and elect their officials. To have a job, raise a family and otherwise be left alone. There is also the unrepentant thugs who will never compromise or even tolerate the existence of the infidel. That's who we're fighting in Najaf, Falluja and Afghanistan. The author's posit that we are seeking endless war is too silly to address. He further ignores the concept of limited resourc...
Confessions of a Political Junkie ? Family Planning with Planned Parenthood : This one just about pegged my irony meter. It seems that the condoms handed out by Planned Parenthood are the least reliable. Some pundits theorize that this is to encourage people avail themselves of PP's "other services". Not me. I suspect this is simply a case of the lowest bidder winning the contract. In my admittedly limited contact with PP and their propents I've found they view the mere distribution of contraceptives as an end. That they might not be reliable is beside the point. Providing them for free is the point. When I was in college, some students were running for student government, they decided to use free condoms as a marketing gimmick. (Keep in mind I attended a Jesuit school.) They stumbled upon this idea and the nearest PP office provided them with the two biggest boxes of jimmy hats I've ever seen. They were about the size of bankers box. Each one...
The nation is quite drunken enough When I first saw this headline, I was thinking of The Nation which made perfect sense to me. What else could account for their histrionics and poor logic. Upon further reading, imagine my surprise that 1. The article is talking about Britain and 2. That they are just realizing this is how they are. The rest of the world has long known of boozy behavior on the part of your average Brit. The English in particular. Say the phrase "English Soccer Fan" to an American and it conjures up images of flaming stadiums, drunken brawling and ceaseless off-key singing of some unintelligible Pro *ahem* "Football" team song. I find all of this rather quaint. Not to take anything away from them but they really don't know how to riot very well. Even the Canadians do better. Canadians! Canadian expats in London even forget how to throw a proper riot . Witness: "In Toronto, 19 people were arrested while 11 ...