
Showing posts from January 27, 2008

Daily Roundup

I told you they were insane So I locked myself out of my voicemail today. I called the helpdesk for a reset but they were swamped and asked me if they could call me back. I agreed. I walked away from my desk for a minute and heard the phone ringing when I came back. I missed the call but naturally....they left a voicemail. Some days I feel like I'm being drawn by Scott Adams. Sean Hannity has lost his mind. I was in the car yesterday listening to him recant on virtually everything he's been saying for the last 8 years. Suddenly, drilling in ANWAR is a bad idea, Guantanamo Bay is a bad idea, we need to update Conservatism, John McCain is a good, honest guy, a wall on the border isn't the answer. On and on and on. He's either a naked partisan who's sucking down McCain flavored Kool Aid at record rates or he's literally lost his mind. Either way it's not good. The win/win of the Democrat ticket: Hillary wins the nomination there's no way she wi...

The many faces of Jesus

Beliefnet asked readers to post their favorite picture of Jesus. Herewith is my snarktacular review of same: Curious positioning of the cross while running for political office Jesus Confused about which religion I'm really the head of Jesus Very dramatic crucified in a storm animated gif Jesus Bleeding and in agony Jesus Mystical 70's poster Jesus 14th Century soap advertisement Jesus Dr. Doolittle Jesus Oversized child's art project Jesus I'm staring intently at the Earth and I got a satellite in my eye Jesus I can catch a Bing cherry in my mouth Jesus American Gladiator Jesus Woodcut of Sawyer from Lost if he was smiling Jesus What's he standing on anyway and why is he making the atmosphere red Jesus

Technical Analysis of Jihadi encryption tools

Perhaps the title of the post is a misnomer. Intrepid infosec blogger Dancho gives a great analysis of the Global Islamic Media Front's boasting about their security toolset. See here and here for more. I confess to having missed this one entirely. I've not even heard of GIMF. However, as someone with a passing familiarity with encryption tools and network security, I can say that the key phrase in the article is this: "If you perceive the Technical Mujahid magazine as a threat to the national security of any country, old issues of Phrack magazine must be giving you the nightmares." I snarfed my Red Bull when I read that one. I used to be an avid reader of Phrack , 2600 and cDc's various white papers. In full nerd fashion, I went to HOPE twice and once even bamboozled my company into paying for it. At H2K one group emphatically decided I was an FBI agent and despite my protestations gave me a wide berth and breathlessly warned anyone I spoke to that ...

Adventures in sleep deprivation part III

I know you've all been waiting with bated breath to hear my latest whine about being tired. Wah. I know. So here's the latest; Friday came and went very very slowly. I was working on very tedious administrative duties at work (cleaning up user ID's on the security module. Just shoot me). I have to remember to put this off until I find myself unable to sleep again. It has to be an instant cure. I did, however, get the Unexpected Urgent Support Call from a user. In England. I'm getting ahead of myself. First; some background. I was working from home on Friday as is normal and my wife had to go to a parent/teacher conference for #3 to discuss whether or not he's ready for Kindergarten (long story short, he is). The meeting was about 15 minutes and it was a 10 minute drive each way to the school. For those of you who are native to Delaware that'd be 10 + 10 + 15 = 35 minutes. For those 35 minutes I'd have to watch both kids. It's easy to watc...