Daily Roundup
Harry Reid gets it with both barrels from Investor's Business Daily:
When mass killers meet armed resistance. A short recap of violent shootings in "gun free zones". This is a direct shot across the bow of the leftist who were saying that more gun control was needed at VT. Read the whole thing.
It's 2007 where is my flying car?
I'm looking at booking a family vacation in the wilds of my ancestoral homeland. While browsing, I found this quote:
"All 6 bedrooms ensuite, 3 family, spacious, teas & coffee and hairdryer with panoramic views"
I'd hate to have a hairdryer with one of those non-panoramic views.
Is France doomed?
Answer: No. They only need to be sufficiently threatened to awake from their slumber. There is a strain in France that is disgruntled and has been for a long time. They're sick of the truckers shutting down everything whenever they feel slighted. Nicolas Sarkozy has advanced to the second round in the presidential elections. He's pitted against
Ségolène Royal the Socialist candidate. This is a clear illustration that the French have to choose between keeping with the socialist past or breaking free of it.
I'm no William Donahue. I don't see anti-Catholicism in every newspaper article or pop culture offering. This however, qualifies. Shameful.
In aiding and comforting the enemy in wartime, Reid has betrayed the office he holds, shamed the Nevadans he represents and made the Democratic Party he leads synonymous with surrender. There is one way he can repair the damage he's done to the nation: step down.
When mass killers meet armed resistance. A short recap of violent shootings in "gun free zones". This is a direct shot across the bow of the leftist who were saying that more gun control was needed at VT. Read the whole thing.
It's 2007 where is my flying car?
I'm looking at booking a family vacation in the wilds of my ancestoral homeland. While browsing, I found this quote:
"All 6 bedrooms ensuite, 3 family, spacious, teas & coffee and hairdryer with panoramic views"
I'd hate to have a hairdryer with one of those non-panoramic views.
Is France doomed?
Answer: No. They only need to be sufficiently threatened to awake from their slumber. There is a strain in France that is disgruntled and has been for a long time. They're sick of the truckers shutting down everything whenever they feel slighted. Nicolas Sarkozy has advanced to the second round in the presidential elections. He's pitted against
Ségolène Royal the Socialist candidate. This is a clear illustration that the French have to choose between keeping with the socialist past or breaking free of it.
I'm no William Donahue. I don't see anti-Catholicism in every newspaper article or pop culture offering. This however, qualifies. Shameful.