Daily Roundup
Caffeinated Soap. For those of you who just can't wait until your morning coffee.
How about a brain gym instead of a body gym. Personally, I've always thought that schools should use more puzzles and games to teach. They're far more engaging and your students are much more likely to grasp the concepts. Think of how many kids learned statistics from Stratomatic baseball (I know, I'm dating myself).
A terror arrest in Britain. The threat of terrorism is still real. It's not as potent as it once was but it's there. Which gets me to thinking...how is it that the war in Iraq is spawing terrorists but there's no terrorist threat.
A possibly M-class planet found. Now we have somewhere to point the Hubble. Two, we now have a first priority for any FTL craft we ever invent.
Harry Reid gets another well deserved beating here. I've noted before that Bush was lambasted for "not listening to the Generals". Yet now Reid "vows not believe Petreus" because he's not giving the correct answers. I patiently hold my breath for the ensuing outrage.
Pelosi meanwhile says she won't attend Petraeus' briefing. Plenty of time for dictators in the middle east but no time for American Generals.
I wanted one of these for Duffy 1.4 but the Mrs. said no.
More on the french elections here. Royale is courting the center by debating the defeated centrist candidate while Sarko skips the debates. Both need the 19% of the center and neither can count on them. I'll wager Le Pen's voters are solidly in the tank for Sarko which means he only needs half of the swing voters to win.
money quote:
Why are the Chinese on the receiving end of violence in Africa?
Chinese oppression Iraq?
Oppressive foreign policy against muslims?
It's all about ooooooiiiiiillllllllll.
How about a brain gym instead of a body gym. Personally, I've always thought that schools should use more puzzles and games to teach. They're far more engaging and your students are much more likely to grasp the concepts. Think of how many kids learned statistics from Stratomatic baseball (I know, I'm dating myself).
A terror arrest in Britain. The threat of terrorism is still real. It's not as potent as it once was but it's there. Which gets me to thinking...how is it that the war in Iraq is spawing terrorists but there's no terrorist threat.
A possibly M-class planet found. Now we have somewhere to point the Hubble. Two, we now have a first priority for any FTL craft we ever invent.
Harry Reid gets another well deserved beating here. I've noted before that Bush was lambasted for "not listening to the Generals". Yet now Reid "vows not believe Petreus" because he's not giving the correct answers. I patiently hold my breath for the ensuing outrage.
Pelosi meanwhile says she won't attend Petraeus' briefing. Plenty of time for dictators in the middle east but no time for American Generals.
I wanted one of these for Duffy 1.4 but the Mrs. said no.
More on the french elections here. Royale is courting the center by debating the defeated centrist candidate while Sarko skips the debates. Both need the 19% of the center and neither can count on them. I'll wager Le Pen's voters are solidly in the tank for Sarko which means he only needs half of the swing voters to win.
money quote:
Though Miss Royal, 53, is not very bright, she is good-looking, flamboyant and typically French.
Why are the Chinese on the receiving end of violence in Africa?
Chinese oppression Iraq?
Oppressive foreign policy against muslims?
It's all about ooooooiiiiiillllllllll.