Other news...

What We Got Right in Iraq

Leave it to WaPo to bury it on a Saturday instead of, you know, Sunday when they have the largest circulation.

Our critics (usually people who have never visited Iraq) often allege that the de-Baathification decision left Iraqi ministries without effective leadership. Not so. Virtually all the old Baathist ministers had fled before the decree was issued.

Startling quote from a principal:

"We're filthy rich; I don't want any more of your money. Send me quality teachers."

More please:

More than a million secular Turks demonstrated in the Aegean port city of Izmir on Sunday in a major show of strength against the Islamic-rooted government as Turkey prepares for early general elections.

The politics of airlines and taxation. Makes and interesting point about who's paying for what and who benefits. I firmly believe the airlines should have been left to fall apart in the 70's and again in 2001. They need a Shiva moment wherein they can be utterly destroyed to begin anew. They are so firmly entrenched with bureaucracy, unions and antiquated laws that they limp along with subsidies and screw the people like you and me in the process.


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