Daily Roundup

Old Blighty stirs. I think anti-gun sentiments have reached their nadir and will be rolled back as the increased Islamic immigration and increases in violent crime continues.

Following up on my post from Friday, The New York Times omitted any mention of the details lest people draw conclusions.

"Listen to your generals."
but only if they get the correct answer. Otherwise;
you dismiss them as
"dead flat wrong". Heads I win, tails you lose.

Listen to them but if you do you're "hiding behind the General"

Troops out NOW! (if by now you mean "in 5 years")

Don't question their patriotism when the deride or slander US troops. Only they are permitted to question people's patriotism.

Backpedaling is so passe, instead it's historical revisionism!

Tattoos that function as birth control. Oh, the humanity!

Picking on celebrities for being dumb is not uncommon for me. Their own words and actions are frequently proof enough. However, not all of them are uneducated fools. Quite the opposite. Many of them are well educated. Interesting.

Here's a video of me playing Tetris. No, but seriously, imagine if he had put his energy toward something either valuable or productive. (Good God, I'm turning into my father).


Anonymous said…
Gun Control? We don't need no stinking gun control!
From the Curmudgeon:

Check that dude out.

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