For evil to triumph
We are told that we are not the world's policeman and we shouldn't be. The UN is supposed to end evils like genocide and such. What about politicide?
The Kim Family Regime is practiced in that art. Some years ago, they surveyed the population and defined them in one of three groups; core, unreliable and hostile. Anyone in the third group is usually in prison and frequently executed. Moving up in that chain is unlikely and moving down is difficult to avoid. There is a policy in North Korea that a criminal must be punished not by himself alone, but with three generations of his family. That is, if a man speaks against the regime, his children and his parents go to the gulag with him.
Where are the human rights campaigners? This article is not for the feint of heart. It is truly sickening and especially so for parents. These are not single sourced stories and it's very likely they're true. Some of the perpetrators who defected even confessed to such evil. One man was a bodyguard for Kim and spoke of killing two people merely because they came within the 5 kilometer exclusion zone around the "Dear Leader".
If the UN were serious about ending any sort of evil or suffering they would be pounding on the tables in Turtle Bay demanding action. They are not. Just as they were not for Rawanda, Darfur, Tibet, Iraq, Armenia, China....
The UN sees diplomacy as an end. It's something they do. The only "action" they take involves trying to send boxes of food to poor people. No matter if it's stolen in the attempt or is misused by the military. What matters is inentions. Europe isn't going to get off their collective asses to do anything about anything. They couldn't be bothered to show up when Milosovich was crushing whomever displeased him and that was right in their own backyard.
Unless or until either Europe or the UN does anything about any of the world's messes, I refuse to listen to lectures from any of them.
The Kim Family Regime is practiced in that art. Some years ago, they surveyed the population and defined them in one of three groups; core, unreliable and hostile. Anyone in the third group is usually in prison and frequently executed. Moving up in that chain is unlikely and moving down is difficult to avoid. There is a policy in North Korea that a criminal must be punished not by himself alone, but with three generations of his family. That is, if a man speaks against the regime, his children and his parents go to the gulag with him.
Where are the human rights campaigners? This article is not for the feint of heart. It is truly sickening and especially so for parents. These are not single sourced stories and it's very likely they're true. Some of the perpetrators who defected even confessed to such evil. One man was a bodyguard for Kim and spoke of killing two people merely because they came within the 5 kilometer exclusion zone around the "Dear Leader".
If the UN were serious about ending any sort of evil or suffering they would be pounding on the tables in Turtle Bay demanding action. They are not. Just as they were not for Rawanda, Darfur, Tibet, Iraq, Armenia, China....
The UN sees diplomacy as an end. It's something they do. The only "action" they take involves trying to send boxes of food to poor people. No matter if it's stolen in the attempt or is misused by the military. What matters is inentions. Europe isn't going to get off their collective asses to do anything about anything. They couldn't be bothered to show up when Milosovich was crushing whomever displeased him and that was right in their own backyard.
Unless or until either Europe or the UN does anything about any of the world's messes, I refuse to listen to lectures from any of them.