Sarah Palin, world's biggest moron now in good company

Chris Matthews Calls Africa a "Country". Remember that fraud about Palin not knowing anything ever?

Now we know that not only is that story untrue, it is true about Chris "thrill up my leg" Matthews. I'm sure the Kos Kidz will pillory him just as badly. Or not.

Last note on "Martin Eisenstadt"; very well done. He's the interweb equivalent of a sleeper agent. Work in the dark, under cover for a long time and spring the trap. He mouthed all the right words at all the right times. He built confidences and trust long enough to establish himself as a trusted source and then torpedoed Palin. He makes Karl Rove look like amateur hour. This worked so spectacularly and cheaply, somewhere on the Right they're making their own "Martin Eisenstadt".

Dirty. Nasty. Un-American and indecent. And sadly, the new norm.


road warrior said…
i know the liberal illuminati wanted to talk bad about Palin every chance they got because she was getting the republican excited but i could not believe how ignorant she was. I think in order to run for any office there should be some kind of standardized testing system. It would help me to sleep a little better at night.
road warrior said…
i know the liberal illuminati wanted to talk bad about Palin every chance they got because she was getting the republican excited but i could not believe how ignorant she was. I think in order to run for any office there should be some kind of standardized testing system. It would help me to sleep a little better at night.
The Last Ephor said…
You can say that again! Ha!
knowitall said…
The left-wing illuminati want Sarah to go out and make a fool of herself with the media, that's their plan.

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