Something just occured to me

No matter what happens in November there is one guaranteed loser. Hillary Clinton. If Obama wins, he'll run for re-election and she won't be on that ticket either. Which pushes her back to 2016 and she'll be pushing 70 and well past her "sell by" date politically. If McCain wins, Palin is VP and will either be on the ticket again which sucks the air out of Hillary's "First Woman Evar" sails. McCain will be in his late hundreds in 2012 so it's possible that Palin is put forward as the nominee which really puts the kibosh on Hillary. Either way she's seething on election day.


Unless she falls apart under pressure, Palin is a guaranteed winner.

If she and McCain win, she's VP and set up for a presidential run in 2012 or 2016. If they lose, she goes back to Alaska, probably gets reelected there in a landslide, and she's still setup for a presidential run in 2012.

No real downside there.

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