Police ID motorcyclist killed in Glasgow crash

The Curmudgeon points to this story:

Police ID motorcyclist killed in Glasgow crash

and sends regards to the family. The report indicates "speed was a factor".

I have no doubt.

I live very close to 896. In fact, when I'm trying to sleep on Sunday nights I hear them. There are a group of riders that wait until late on Sunday night and from 11:00 on they start at the Summit bridge and head north acclerating at maximum speed through the gears. I count the gears as they go. 1..2..3....4.....5...6. I seldom hear them slow down. Sometimes there's only one, sometimes as many as four. This has been going on for at least 4 years. Frankly, I'm surprised this isn't happening more often. I went so far as to call the State police to complain about the problem. It's really ##$#@$#@ing dangerous. Every time I heard them I would wait for the inevitable sickening crash or reading about some poor working stiff on his way home from a third shift job that was killed by one of these lunatics.

I am reaching a bit here because I don't *know* this guy was one of those but it fits the profile. It was 3:00 AM and speed was a factor and it was 896. If this guy was one of those his death was his own fault. That doesn't mean I have no sympathy for his family. I do. They have my most heartfelt condolences and prayers. I am, however, glad he didn't kill anyone else. It's bad enough that the two other drivers have probably been traumatized in the process.


Now there is another one this morning on Route 273. What this is doing is really making me MAD.

I don't know the details on all of the 4 MC accidents that have happened in the last week (3 dead so far), but I have to say that this is getting me dang MAD. In 2 of the cases so far, it seems to me that the riders were at fault...either speeding, impaired, or both.

What the heck are they thinking? I work hard for biker rights and these kinds of accidents don't help our cause at ALL. I'm getting really tee'd off at this. I had better stop before I start cursing and get banned from this blog.

The Last Ephor said…
Cursing will not get you banned. I've booted only two people from here. One for advertising and the other for a violent and racist post agitating for the death of one particular group of people.
Anonymous said…
Duffy - as you know I am near 896 also. They also do the same thing down Frazier Rd. They have to be hitting 100mph by the time they get near me.

Last night around 7:30 I was driving down Kirkwood highway and a moron on a bike comes riding past me on one wheel at 60mph. He had to be doing it for a mile. Drives me crazy. These idiots ruin it for all motorcyclists.

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