Obama's Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes

American Thinker commits and act of overt journalism that trumps literally anything I've read about campaign financing in memory. The post is entitled Obama's Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes. Read the whole thing. Then print it and give a copy to everyone you see for the next 3 months.

The MSM (and certainly the partisans at DL and DW) have been very quick to cry foul when there are the faintest whiffs of impropriety (much less illegality) in McCain's donations. If only they applied the same rigor to The One. They won't, of course, because Obama is running for President of the World. He is so beloved by all that mere financing regulations should not prevent foreigners from sending their love (in the form of cash) to him. Look, these are oil company executives we're talking about. They're sophisticated foreigners who understand just how important this election is and if they're donating to Him they have to be smarter than Rethuglikkans anyway. What's the difference anyway? It's not like they're going to have any influence over Him anyway. They're not even in America! And really, who can really be expected to have influence over The Exalted One? None I tell you! None! Now we must kowtow toward Hawaii, birthplace of The Lightworker for midday prayers.



Paul Smith Jr. said…
One thing to keep in mind is that there are a lot of Americans living overseas so these may be American citizens giving legally. I would hope someone is checking on that though.
The Last Ephor said…
In some cases, it doesn't matter, they're over the limit.

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