Nota Bene: For some reason Blogger refuses to let me title new posts.

Daily Roundup:

Iraqi FM: Turkey massing 140,000 troops. This can't be good news. Nations do no mass troops lightly. I presume their major beef is with the Kurdish rebel groups in northern Iraq. Perhaps their diplomatic efforts have not been as fruitful as they would have liked so they're resorting to "diplomacy by other means" as they say.

News Flash: Executive branch is co-equal with Congressional branch! Who knew?

Colin Powell's flip-flopping on the war with Iraq. As Ken Layne's dictum goes that with the internet, "we can fact check your ass".

Did Rumsfeld scrub a mission to grab Al-Qaeda's #2 man? Interesting if true. I can certainly see the rationale for scrubbing a mission that includes large Ranger elements. A 8 man SEAL team carries plausible deniability that evaporates when hundreds of Rangers start dropping out of C-141s. On the other hand, National Review cries foul.

Kidnappers are upset that their captive did not thank them. No, seriously. I guess he's still upset about being detained against his will and being strapped a bomb and all that.

Jules Crittenden is overjoyed at the idea of a Sheehan vs. Pelosi fight.

Al-Qaeda: "We want to set up a Caliphate in Iraq"
NYT Response: "US out of Iraq now!"
Al-Qaeda: "Gee, thanks guys."

It wasn't Libby. It was Armitage.

Britain's NHS is so bad it drives the doctors to suicide. Keep that in mind when people tell you they want to replicate that here.

Europe is in denial about it's problem with radicals and doesn't know how to deal with it.

Quote of the day:
"I'll start acting as if it's a crisis when the people who are telling me it's a crisis start acting as if it's a crisis."

Sadr flees to Iran. So much for being an Iraq nationalist and not a Shia would-be theocrat.

On the heels of the Motu Proprio here's some news about The Church:

Ratzinger's unlikely appeal. It's interesting that his approach is diametrically opposite his predecessor's yet he's making huge gains in both hearts and wallets.

Not exactly a stampede toward the Tridentine Mass.
I suspect the hue and cry for the old rite will be even less here.


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