Daily Roundup

All class.

All class II.

All together now: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

Quote of the day (Parenting edition):

"If three years ago I had had all the facts about what motherhood really entails and sat down to carefully analyze whether or not this is an endeavor I should undertake, the overwhelming verdict would have been to get a goldfish and call it a day.

What I couldn't have known in my pre-kid days, though, is how much God was planning to use motherhood to transform me."

Quote of the day:

"If it transposes a picture sequence like this to sex up a story about the Queen by transmitting an outright falsehood, just think what it is doing in the Middle East."

Quote of the day III:

"What's refreshing about this is that Yglesias is honestly and correctly admitting that liberals have no problem imposing their morality on others via a powerful and intrusive state. I wish that most liberals were as honest."

Liberal snark at its finest.

First Nifong and now this guy. Is there anyone else who thinks we need top to bottom review of most prosecutors nationwide?

Was Rudy the one who derailed McCain's campaign? He'll soldier on (if you'll pardon the pun) and then bow out early in primary season. He'll angle for a cabinet post and if anything he's a longshot for Sec Def.

You think your broadband is fast? How about 40 Gigabits per second connection

If "Swiftboating" was wrong then, it should be wrong now.


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