Post Mortem

My sentiments exactly.

What Democracy Should Be [John Podhoretz]
Happy or suicidal with tonight's results, something colossal and profoundly important has happened in the United States beginning in 2000 — the re-engagement of the American people with politics. We have had four enormously consequential elections in a row now in which voters have cast their ballots in numbers that we were told we'd never see in our lifetimes. I don't see how you can view this as anything but a wondrous development for the United States.
Posted at 11:06 PM

Ken Brockman also echoes my thoughts

Republicans did a very bad job of stealing the election. I fully expect Democrats to continue doubting the validity of the election results.

Hugh Hewitt is blaming John McCain. I am not making this up:

Handed a large majority, the GOP frittered it away. The chief fritterer was Senator McCain and his Gang of 14 and Kennedy-McCain immigration bill, supplemented by a last minute throw down that prevented the NSA bill from progressing or the key judicial nominations from receiving a vote.

Apparently Hugh lives in La-La Land where the election had nothing to do with the President or the war in Iraq. It was all about McCain. Hugh, seriously, get help.

The bottom line is this: I am thrilled with the turnout. The volume of voters is at a record high and has been so for the last three elections. That is great for America. We need an active electorate.

Two major things trouble me with yesterday's election. I am very disheartened with my fellow First Staters for electing another Biden. He was not qualified for the job, ran a very nasty and unethical campaign. He is a nakedly political animal who aims to be exactly what his father is. The nation doesn't need political dynasties and Delaware certainly doesn't.

Second, Alcee Hastings a convicted perjurer and bribe taker is now going to be on the Intelligence committee. That is perfect evidence that Democrats do not take national security seriously.


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