The Insurgency wins
An alarmist headline to be sure. You'd think it was from Ann Coulter or even Stephen Colbert but no. It's from The Guardian and they're celebrating the fact.
Translation: Screw you Iraqis, we can't be bothered to help anymore. Oh, and all you other people around the world living under the thumb of a dictator. You're on your own.
At this point the insurgency knows it has won, however long it takes the occupying power to go. Retreat in good order is the best hope. An era of ill-conceived, belligerent interventionism has come to an end - by democratic decision, thank goodness.
Translation: Screw you Iraqis, we can't be bothered to help anymore. Oh, and all you other people around the world living under the thumb of a dictator. You're on your own.