I hate October

I hate October because I have been fed to the teeth with political scandal. Everyone spends August and September lining up their poltical hit jobs on their opponents.

The newest one today is the Tennessee Democrat party taking tens of thousands of looted pension funds and then refusing to return them.

This one is an exception as the embezzler was just arrested on Friday but this is the latest in a long series of attempted "gotchas". Everyone knew about Foley for years and did nothing. Only now, as we're drawing close to the election is the story broken. I don't have the stomach to revisit the rest of them.

Unfortuneately, negative advertising works so this will be the way it is forever without end. Combine that with an ever increasing campaign season and I weep for the future.


The Last Ephor said…
I'm not sure I follow. He said people vote on the merits of the candidate, do you think that's not true?
The Last Ephor said…
You assume that negative ads are a bad thing. I don't necessarily agree. We need them to know what wrongs our candidates have done. Some of it is certainly beyond the pale and smearing, but much of it is accurate. Bob Menedez is under Federal indictment, do you think his happy feelgood ads would mention that? Is that relevant? Does it speak to his merits?

Should candidates refrain from mentioning anything negative about Bush in '08?

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