The question is:

22. In view of the developments since we first sent our troops to Iraq, do you think the United States made a mistake in sending troops to Iraq, or not?

The split is an even 49/49 split. This is the highest it's been since July 2005. As gas prices go down, look for this support to increase. Voters think the two are inextricably linked (a view I share but I believe other factors are far more influential).

The lower the price of gas goes, the worse prospects look for Democrats in November. If gas goes below $2.00 per gallon by election day, the Democrats will have no hope of winning either House or Senate.


The Last Ephor said…
I spoke to an industry analyst recently and he believes that one reason for the huge spike in demand is that both China and India have been quietly building strategic oil reserves which consume massive amounts of available crude. They further endured the price crunch by doing so during summer when demand was highest to mask their acquisition. Now that summer demand has laxed and they've scaled back their reserve building the price drops precipitously.

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