Non-leftists frequently argue that the MSM is anti-American and some (like Instapundit) have declared them to be "not anti-war, just on the other side".
Well, now we have proof
Simply no other way to interpret this. We, in the West, are very stringent about keeping the press free from government agents. We don't even allow the CIA to pose as journalists for fear of putting them at risk. Frankly, we don't take information warfare seriously. It's frowned upon by certain people as fighting dirty. Unless or until we shift from PsiOps mentality to Infowar mentality, we're going to be behind the curve. The Muslim world has mastered media manipulation and our lazy MSM swallows their tripe whole. From "Green Helmet" to fauxtography to countless other examples the MSM is lazy and is ready to reprint anything that fits their ideological template without question.
Well, now we have proof
We were informed from one of our sources (the degree of trust in him is good) who works in the American Associated Press Agency...
Simply no other way to interpret this. We, in the West, are very stringent about keeping the press free from government agents. We don't even allow the CIA to pose as journalists for fear of putting them at risk. Frankly, we don't take information warfare seriously. It's frowned upon by certain people as fighting dirty. Unless or until we shift from PsiOps mentality to Infowar mentality, we're going to be behind the curve. The Muslim world has mastered media manipulation and our lazy MSM swallows their tripe whole. From "Green Helmet" to fauxtography to countless other examples the MSM is lazy and is ready to reprint anything that fits their ideological template without question.