Spending money behind closed doors?

Something new is happening today as The Examiner invites readers to help uncover which members of Congress sponsored the 1,867 secret spending earmarks worth more than $500 million in the Labor-Health and Human Services appropriation bill now before Congress.

These earmarks average more than $268,000 each. To our knowledge, The Examiner is the first-ever daily newspaper to join with readers, citizen activists from across the political spectrum and bloggers in this manner to uncover the facts behind government spending.

More please. Pork is a bipartisan problem. Defining it isn't always easy. Arts funding is pork for Republicans but not Democrats. However, bring this spending out into the open and let's have an honest debate about how the money is spent. Personally, I think earmarks are contrary to the spirit of the Constitution. Congress loves them because it allows them to spend like crazy without having to consult anybody. How else to reward the faithful than to spend money where they want?


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