Lamont's victory.

I don't see this as a win for the Democrats. It's clearly a win for Nutroots but that automatically makes it a loss for Democrats. The Lamont victory will cause the party to lurch to the left further alienating themselves from John Q. Public. Ironically, Nutroots first and only scalp is a Democratic candidate. If they become emboldened by this win they will likely look to pick off other candidates who supported the war. If so, their victory will by a pyrric one. The Left may yet be able to snatch defeat from the jaws of imminent victory. What the Kos Kidz fail to realize is that passion + weblogs != victory. Kos realizes it and has said so but I think he overstates the influence of the blogosphere.

This trend, if continued through 2008 will be very bloody indeed. If the criteria for a Democratic nod becomes anti-war credentials there is a dearth of candidates who fit the bill. The current crop are all vulnerable fromm left as well as right if that's the case. Hillary will be attacked for war support from the left and a million other reasons from the right. Down in flames she goes. Algore is running as Mr. Green with little else to push as a platform. His deranged rantings after his loss in 2000 will burn him up very quickly. Howard Dean's electability died when he uttered the famous "Dean Scream". He continues to pound nails into that coffin every time he opens his mouth.

Leftists like this kind of firebrand for their leaders but Americans want a sober, even boring, leader. He has to have some charm and wit always helps but really, we want someone who is, above all, level headed. Unless or until the Kos Kidz realize that, they're headed for the dust bin.

Unlike some people I think that's a bad thing. We need Democrats as much as we need Republicans. The two parties are a moderating force on each other. Without them we would see a balkanized political arena that is common in banana republics that lead to coalition governments that rise and fall like staggering drunk.

We need a Democratic part in the mold of Daniel Moynihan. Honest, idealistic and yes, wrong. Love him or hate him, Moynihan acted out of good faith and honestly sought to build bridges between the parties.

Come to think of it, the GOP could use a man of the same mold these days.


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