My Dad hates video games. He thinks they have absolutely no value and we fought about it for years. From the first day of the Atari 2600, I wanted one. I never got one. I begged, pleaded, cajoled and threatened. Nothing worked. It wasn't until recently that I bought an XboX. First console I ever owned. My counter arguement was vague inferences that it would be good for hand/eye coordination and later, spacial relations and problem solving skills. Now it seems, video games can save your life. Digital age kids can do this with ease thanks to being raised on games. How much further removed will soldiers be from the battlefield in the future? Will unmanned combat be the norm? Will fighter jocks be teenagers far removed from the battlefield and out of harms way? Certainly too soon to tell, but this looks like a step in that direction.
Very well done.
Leave Me from Daros Films on Vimeo . Bring a hankie.