Stay far away from this movie. My wife and I rented this piece of dreck. I'll set the scene:

Me: How about 'Anchorman'?
Wife: I'm not in the mood for slapstick comedy.
Me: Wait, so you're not in the mood for slapstick and you want to get a Ben Stiller movie?
Wife: Yes.
Me: Right. Ok, but I'm getting a Manly Movie to (over)compensate. [Master and Commander]

The Review:

Ben Stiller is a capable writer. There is good material here. He insists on spoiling it by appearing in the scenes. He really can be funny but he constantly overdoes everything. Sometimes that works as in his appearance as the angry guy on Friends. Usually, it doesn't.

Jennifer Aniston shows again, why she is a star. She carries her character off effortlessly and is totally natural.

The movie can't decide if it's a comedy or a drama or romantic comedy. It would have worked as either of the first two but flopped as the third. Debra Messing strikes the right note for the role but she doesn't have enough depth to bring anything more to the movie.

Hank Azaria is good but he is strained and it's patently obvious he's doing a character that even he doesn't believe.

The most odious part of the movie is when Ruben (Stiller) actually thanks the man that cheated with his wife on their honeymoon. As if he saved him from something. Just horrible and a horrible message.


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