Bernard Golberg has a book about the 100 people screwing up America. Courtesy of Amazon, here's the list (bonus for my reader[s] are my ever-insightful comments)
Michael Moore
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. He should be deported to the reddest of red states for all eternity.
Arthur Sulzberger
I can't decide if he's screwing up the NYT (and to a lesser degree, America) out of sheer cluelessness or mendacity. I'll assume the former. Given his age, he won't be around to screw either one up for much longer.
Ted Kennedy
How is this drunken zeppelin still alive? He must have an absolutely bulletproof liver. The only way to prevent the Massholes from re-electing this thing is for him to die. Even then they'd probably elect him. Ted Kennedy's cars have killed more people than the average American's guns.
Jesse Jackson
Thankfully, Jesse isn't what he used to be. Ever since the scandal with his mistress, he's been sidelined. He still uses his shakedown racket very effectively but his power and influence pale (if you'll pardon the pun) in comparison to what it once was. Unfortunately, Al Sharpton has stepped into the void.
Anthony Romero
I had to google this guy. He's head of the ACLU. Anyone even tangentally associated with them is, indeed, screwing up America.
Jimmy Carter
If he would do nothing but Habitat for Humanity, he would be a great ex-President.
Margaret Marshall
Don't know much about her but the little I've read isn't good. In sum: activist judge, atavistically hostile to fathers and straight people.
Paul Krugman
"Professor" Krugman is notorious for playing fast and loose with facts, especially statistics. He contradicts himself in consecutive columns, and nobody seems to notice. I suspect that has more to do with the inability to stay awake long enough to finish one of his columns. Donald Luskin has his number. Better to read Luskin than Krugman. Saves you the time and aggrivation.
Jonathan Kozol
Had to Google him too. Seems to be a writer of books about poor people. Not sure how he could be screwing up America. Even if his books are completely wrong he seems harmless.
Ralph Neas
Partisan hack for People for The American Way. The most misnamed group in the history of our Republic. Clueless do-gooder crusaders. If you are ever unsure which side of an issue to be on, pick the opposite side of these rubes.
NB: I've split the list into sections. This is the first 10.
Michael Moore
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. He should be deported to the reddest of red states for all eternity.
Arthur Sulzberger
I can't decide if he's screwing up the NYT (and to a lesser degree, America) out of sheer cluelessness or mendacity. I'll assume the former. Given his age, he won't be around to screw either one up for much longer.
Ted Kennedy
How is this drunken zeppelin still alive? He must have an absolutely bulletproof liver. The only way to prevent the Massholes from re-electing this thing is for him to die. Even then they'd probably elect him. Ted Kennedy's cars have killed more people than the average American's guns.
Jesse Jackson
Thankfully, Jesse isn't what he used to be. Ever since the scandal with his mistress, he's been sidelined. He still uses his shakedown racket very effectively but his power and influence pale (if you'll pardon the pun) in comparison to what it once was. Unfortunately, Al Sharpton has stepped into the void.
Anthony Romero
I had to google this guy. He's head of the ACLU. Anyone even tangentally associated with them is, indeed, screwing up America.
Jimmy Carter
If he would do nothing but Habitat for Humanity, he would be a great ex-President.
Margaret Marshall
Don't know much about her but the little I've read isn't good. In sum: activist judge, atavistically hostile to fathers and straight people.
Paul Krugman
"Professor" Krugman is notorious for playing fast and loose with facts, especially statistics. He contradicts himself in consecutive columns, and nobody seems to notice. I suspect that has more to do with the inability to stay awake long enough to finish one of his columns. Donald Luskin has his number. Better to read Luskin than Krugman. Saves you the time and aggrivation.
Jonathan Kozol
Had to Google him too. Seems to be a writer of books about poor people. Not sure how he could be screwing up America. Even if his books are completely wrong he seems harmless.
Ralph Neas
Partisan hack for People for The American Way. The most misnamed group in the history of our Republic. Clueless do-gooder crusaders. If you are ever unsure which side of an issue to be on, pick the opposite side of these rubes.
NB: I've split the list into sections. This is the first 10.