Reports of my demise were only slightly exaggerated. I was felled by an extremely nasty flu virus that dutifully wiped out the entire household at once. I was lucky enough to get it last. Which means I've been playing nurse to Mom and the boys the better part of a week. I had no idea a four year old could hold such a volume of bile and semi-digested food in his stomach. Really quite remarkable. This explains why every single item of bedding in the house has to be washed. I'm staring at a mountain of laundry that reminds me of that scene from Johnny Dangerously where his Mom is doing all the laundry in the neighborhood. I've been taking copious amounts of DayQuil, NyQuil, Mid-morningQuil, AfterlunchQuil, and so on. This has abated many of the symptoms but I'm still as congested as Michael Moore's arteries. Tonight I think I'll use the tried and true Irish solution of whiskey in quantity.
Very well done.
Leave Me from Daros Films on Vimeo . Bring a hankie.