Democrats go bonkers
First up: No bounce for you! The polls are showing dead even. If that's not worrisome for Democrats 62 days out, I don't know what is. Given that Bush has very low approval ratings and Democrats and MSM (but I repeat myself) are doing their best to conflate Bush and McCain and that they just finished their week long tongue bath of Obama and the gravitas that Joe Biden is supposed to bring to the ticket I think some on the left are realizing that they are on the knife's edge.
How bad is the MSM in the tank for Obama? Even the detestable uber-Democrat Bill Maher is taking notice
Maher: Matthews and Olbermann "Were Ready to Have Sex& w/ Obama"
The Democrats are also showing their soft white underbelly in comments like this one:
"Sarah Palin's judgment is despicalble. She knowingly whelped a Mongoloid child earlier this year, probably to pander to the Right to Life Nutbags.
Irresponsible decisions like hers dilutes the viability of the American Gene Pool. No wonder why we are falling farther and farther behind in an increasingly competitive global economic environment.
Her OB should have cut her tubes after her first child!!!
Posted by: paul Curooke"
Emphasis mine. This is vile on so many levels it beggars belief. If it were a one-off thing, I'd think it was McCain supporters in drag.
Sadly, it isn't an exception. Some people have clearly lost their minds.
Protein Wisdom and Sister Toldjah have much more complete rundowns of the sick and the evil.
Local insane person DelawareDem goes hyperbolically around the bend.
"Sarah Palin is by far, the worst nominee for Vice President or President from any party in the history of the United States. That McCain decided to not vet her, and decided to pick her in a panic, and is sticking with this nomination reveals McCain to be literally insane."
Should we take their word for it? Or perhaps the inimitable Camile Paglia:
“We may be seeing the first woman president. As a Democrat, I am reeling,” said Camille Paglia, the cultural critic. “That was the best political speech I have ever seen delivered by an American woman politician. Palin is as tough as nails.”
I think they're both reeling but only one of them is being honest about it.
The left is freaking out because they're scared. They know Obama should be destroying McCain. He should be walking away with this election. The announcement of Biden was met with a shrug. The convention, while widely watched, was recognized for it's historic significance but little else. Obama poses as an outsider but comes from one of, if not the most, corrupt political machines in the nation. Chicago has been the home to ballot box stuffing, graft, corruption, kickbacks and extortion since prohibition. To compound the problem he picks the most entrenched, smarmy, blow-dried career politician from the most politically insignificant state on the East Coast.
They are in trouble and they know it. This race is McCain's to lose.
I suspect this comment is representative of a great many people who thus far, have been quiet:
"My wife and I are two of hundreds of thousands of Americans who were going to skip the election and now--with the choosing of Sarah Palin--we are back in ---with our votes AND our checkbooks."
How bad is the MSM in the tank for Obama? Even the detestable uber-Democrat Bill Maher is taking notice
Maher: Matthews and Olbermann "Were Ready to Have Sex& w/ Obama"
The Democrats are also showing their soft white underbelly in comments like this one:
"Sarah Palin's judgment is despicalble. She knowingly whelped a Mongoloid child earlier this year, probably to pander to the Right to Life Nutbags.
Irresponsible decisions like hers dilutes the viability of the American Gene Pool. No wonder why we are falling farther and farther behind in an increasingly competitive global economic environment.
Her OB should have cut her tubes after her first child!!!
Posted by: paul Curooke"
Emphasis mine. This is vile on so many levels it beggars belief. If it were a one-off thing, I'd think it was McCain supporters in drag.
Sadly, it isn't an exception. Some people have clearly lost their minds.
Protein Wisdom and Sister Toldjah have much more complete rundowns of the sick and the evil.
Local insane person DelawareDem goes hyperbolically around the bend.
"Sarah Palin is by far, the worst nominee for Vice President or President from any party in the history of the United States. That McCain decided to not vet her, and decided to pick her in a panic, and is sticking with this nomination reveals McCain to be literally insane."
Should we take their word for it? Or perhaps the inimitable Camile Paglia:
“We may be seeing the first woman president. As a Democrat, I am reeling,” said Camille Paglia, the cultural critic. “That was the best political speech I have ever seen delivered by an American woman politician. Palin is as tough as nails.”
I think they're both reeling but only one of them is being honest about it.
The left is freaking out because they're scared. They know Obama should be destroying McCain. He should be walking away with this election. The announcement of Biden was met with a shrug. The convention, while widely watched, was recognized for it's historic significance but little else. Obama poses as an outsider but comes from one of, if not the most, corrupt political machines in the nation. Chicago has been the home to ballot box stuffing, graft, corruption, kickbacks and extortion since prohibition. To compound the problem he picks the most entrenched, smarmy, blow-dried career politician from the most politically insignificant state on the East Coast.
They are in trouble and they know it. This race is McCain's to lose.
I suspect this comment is representative of a great many people who thus far, have been quiet:
"My wife and I are two of hundreds of thousands of Americans who were going to skip the election and now--with the choosing of Sarah Palin--we are back in ---with our votes AND our checkbooks."