About that 3 AM Phone Call Ad...

The 3 AM call and the "lifetime of experience" indicates she either has to win or McCain does. Anything else puts an end to any hope of occupying the White House. Gore ran very strong. He lost by the closest of margins and they put him out to pasture. Kerry also ran and it came close and again, out to pasture. Hillary knows she gets one bite at the apple and this is it. She has put herself in a bind. In the now infamous 3 AM call, she indicates that Obama isn't qualified or capable to be president. So, if he gets the nominee, either she will back a man she doesn't believe is qualified to answer that call or she's not going to back him and risk tearing the party apart at the seams. This is like a political Samson Option. "Vote for me or I'll take the entire party down with me."

It is also odd that she indicated she would accept him as a running mate if she think him unqualified.

But given the Clinton camp's implicit argument that Obama is not ready to be commander-in- chief or handle a 3:00 am phone call, Clinton was asked why then would she consider Obama for the No. 2 spot. "That's politics,"

See? Politics is a blood sport and only winning matters.

Bill also knows that his shine will fade rather quickly as de facto (or even de jure) head of the party. No more globetrotting for you.

Hillary is now making absurd claims about her foreign policy experience.

Pressed in a CNN interview this week for specific examples of foreign policy experience that has prepared her for an international crisis, Clinton claimed that she "helped to bring peace" to Northern Ireland and negotiated with Macedonia to open up its border to refugees from Kosovo.

This will be news to the Irish, English and anyone else who's paying attention. Similarly, the Macedonian borders were opened the day before the Clintons arrived. I suppose she could have negotiated thereafter but I don't suppose it took much convincing to allow something to continue that was already started.

For all her carping about Obama's lack of foreign policy experience, her primary experience comes from being married to Bill. See, she can't come right out and say she was doing the heavy lifting during Bill's presidency as that is;

A. Not true
B. Likely unconsitutional
C. Bound to inflame the ire of lots of people

Essentially it will validate all of the right wing's histrionics about the co-presidency. Let's also remember that her last attempt at a federal program was HillaryCare which was an unmitigated disaster.

Lastly, she pounds on Obama for not giving a full account of his dealings with Tony Rezko and then in the same breath equates him with Ken Starr when he asks for her tax records. Charlie Trie, James Riady, Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory, Carlos A. Vignali, Almon Glenn Braswell, Marc Rich, Susan McDougal, Dan Rostenkowski, Melvin J. Reynolds, Roger Clinton and the FALN 16 were unavailable for comment.

On the other side, there's been a similar flap about John McCain getting testy with a reporter who's asking him a question about the last campaign.

I don't see anything wrong with his response. Sure he's short with her but she's trying to play the "gotcha" game I'm so damn sick of. What he said in 2004 about the matter is irrelevant to this election. John Kerry, as far as I know, has never disputed McCain's claim. If there's some question of the timing, who cares? It may well be that he had a conversation and was asked to keep it confidential until after the election. If that's the case, he could deny the conversation took place (when it had) in good faith.


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