The perils of modern medicine.
So, the lack of blogging lately can be attributed to one thing: lack of sleep. No, it's not the baby, it's my eldest. He started some new medication recently and when we discussed it with the doctor she never mentioned that insomnia was one of the possible side effects. (Shame on me for not reading the fine print on the side effects). After about a week, he stopped sleeping normally. He would go to bed at regular time (circa 8:00 PM) and then he'd be coming into our bedroom around 2:00 AM. Up. For. The. Day. I have to mention here that the his energy level is also atypical for kids his age. He's 7 but in addition to being autistic, he has ADHD. Yes. So imagine your 7 year old after 3 Red Bulls at 2:00 AM for 8 days in a row. I'm literally falling asleep any time I'm not actively doing something. My wife and I are at our wits end. We stopped the medication a few days ago but this insomnia has not abated. In fact, it may not. This may be the new norm. In the past, we've made changes to his medicine and found that some behaviors changed and became normal. To date, nothing serious, just peculiarities like stims and such. This, however, would be a whole new ball game. If this stays this way I don't know what I'm going to do. I cannot have him awake from 2:00 AM to 8:00 PM every night or even most nights. I'll be completely insane. I don't mean that flippantly. Sleep deprivation is very serious and at this point I'm getting like 3 hours a night max. Go to be early you say? Tried that. The stress of knowing he's going to be up at 2:00 keeps me tossing and turning. I can feel my productivity at work plummeting and that's not good. I find myself rereading the same lines of code or emails. Even typing this is a chore because I'm so foggy. Please, pray for my son if you're so inclined. Ask for intercession from whomever is the patron saint of insomniacs and/or sleep deprived parents.
Know anyone, extended family perhaps?
Try spreading the stimulating meds out into two or three smaller doses throughout the day, with the biggest doses in the AM (but not late in the day). The school nurse will cooperate.
Also try reducing the overall dosage. Take it upon yourself to experiment with dosages lower than the prescription (you can try this on weekends).
Ask yor Dr. about clonidine. It's a standard and mild blood-pressure med that also takes the edge off temper displays and hyperactivity by regulating heart rate. Half a 0.1 mg tab induces mild sleepiness in about 45 minutes.
If it's only occasional nights, there's no sin in giving some chewable Benadryl for sleepiness.
I assume the offending med is a Ritalin-type. If instead it is some adult anti-psychotic, I would re-evaluate whether that is really necessary and can be replaced with a more standard ADHD med. In my opinion kids should only get anti-psychotics as a last resort after all lesser drugs and behavioral techniques have been exhausted.
... and make sure they are time-release if possible
The thing is now, you need to use whatever technique, drug, or large rubber mallet necessary to get everyone to have a normal night's sleep for a week. Then you might be back on track. Consider the Benadryl or the clonidine (consult your doctor of course).
Sleep deprivation is as much of a problem for him as it is for you; he just shows it differently.
Once sleep is back on track you might reintroduce the ADHD meds so he can have a more normal day. But split the doses across the day, heavier in the AM.
good luck and prayers.