Simply loathesome
I've always attempted to debate with those who disagree with me. That is, to disagree without being disagreeable. I always try to assume the best motivations and intentions of others.
I've avoided anything approaching a flame war on my blog or others. (Largely absent here as one needs readers and/or comments to have such a thing)
Jason at DelawareLiberal had two of the most risible, unhinged, despicable posts in two days. First he libels General Petraeus. A man with an impeccable record and impugns the honor of a man who has spent 30+ years defending this country. Simply disgusting. He also libels the President but that's a daily event there so nothing new. He also demonstrates bottomless ignorance on even the most basic rules of the military regarding legal and illegal orders.
Second, he puts our nation on par with mass murderers. That's right. You and I are no different than 19 evil murders who set out to kill as many people as possible. No distinction for the accidental deaths of civilians.
The gobsmacking idiocy and absolutely moral depravity of such posts is beyond words. Jason has clearly demonstrated his hatred for this country. Don't sell me any bullshit about how he loves the country and just thinks we're doing something wrong here. I don't want to hear it. It's crap and you know it.
No words of remembrance. He doesn't want to remember the dead. The innocent people going to work on Tuesday morning. No. His first instinct is condemnation of himself and his country.
Screw you Jason, you're an asshole of the first order.
I've avoided anything approaching a flame war on my blog or others. (Largely absent here as one needs readers and/or comments to have such a thing)
Jason at DelawareLiberal had two of the most risible, unhinged, despicable posts in two days. First he libels General Petraeus. A man with an impeccable record and impugns the honor of a man who has spent 30+ years defending this country. Simply disgusting. He also libels the President but that's a daily event there so nothing new. He also demonstrates bottomless ignorance on even the most basic rules of the military regarding legal and illegal orders.
Second, he puts our nation on par with mass murderers. That's right. You and I are no different than 19 evil murders who set out to kill as many people as possible. No distinction for the accidental deaths of civilians.
The gobsmacking idiocy and absolutely moral depravity of such posts is beyond words. Jason has clearly demonstrated his hatred for this country. Don't sell me any bullshit about how he loves the country and just thinks we're doing something wrong here. I don't want to hear it. It's crap and you know it.
No words of remembrance. He doesn't want to remember the dead. The innocent people going to work on Tuesday morning. No. His first instinct is condemnation of himself and his country.
Screw you Jason, you're an asshole of the first order.
The common thread going through his comments is an unorthodox notion of what is measurable and what is not. Particularly about things like "right" and "wrong." I think most reasonable people would agree that of all the things you could try to measure and hold up to some objective standard, ethical issues would be the trickiest.
And yet most reasonable people would say if an issue of right-and-wrong somewhere might be measurable, flying planes full of civiliants into buildings full of civilians, might very well be that issue. It seems awful tough to mount a compelling argument that this could be a "right" thing to do, or even a "neutral" thing to do.
Us invading Iraq, on the other hand, is a case of subjectivity if ever there was some. I think it was right, but I can fully appreciate how someone else might think it's wrong; a lot of other folks think it was wrong, but they can appreciate why I think it was right.
Jason is an example of our modern contrarians. They seek to assert whatever we all know to be subjective, is objective, and whatever we all know to be subjective, is objective. They do NOT wish to form their own opinions about things, and they don't seek to dissent. They wish to lift things from the arena of discourse and logical discussion. They wish for things to be "settled" that common sense says are anything but.
Not wanting to threadjack, but I have a theory about these people. So far, I've noticed they're all atheists. Not the agnostic, "I just don't know if anybody's up there" kind; the combative kind. The "religious people are idiots" kind.
Jason wants to have it settled that we were "wrong" to go into Iraq. If he is indeed a combative atheist, and I'm sure he is one, this would be a direct you'll certainly find he's more than willing to entertain. If there's no God, then of course, NOTHING is "wrong." We can do anything we want. Why not?
I would further predict if Jason does set himself up for such a contradiction, and you try to nail him on it, you'll find it's like nailing a lump of jello to an oak tree. Part of me says it'd be interesting watching him to see if things unfold this way. Part of me says, I've seen enough of this stuff, I'm not too much interested in one more lap around the track.