Daily Roundup
Classical Values asks "when is enough enough?" I think he makes some cogent points but I think he's missing something. The people who are annoyed or otherwise uncomfortable with 9/11 memorials are uncomfortable with the idea that there are people who are actively working to kill us all. Not just one person that they have a personal grudge with, or that they're merely happy to be left to chant angry slogans and burn American flags in their country. Rather, they really, truly do want to kill us. Not to get any sort of concession or because of some foreign policy or other but just because we're infidels. That's a very upsetting thing but it's reality. Something a great many people don't want to own up to.
These guys claim to have an idea to replace batteries with capacitors. I'll wait and see on this one.
Insty has a link to this story. He points to this as a indication of a lack of confidence in civil authority. This, as he notes, is not unprecedented. Rather, it's one of the most famous stories of our nation's founding. It has a much more recent history as the article notes with both Loyalist and Republican gangs doing this, and much worse, in the recent past. In my view, this speaks volumes in that the Loyalists community in NI is much more closely tied to civil authorities than the Republican/Catholic community. That those more closely tied to the cops are not getting a response they needs makes me wonder what conditions are like for Catholics. Given the popularity of "Happy Slapping" in the UK and hoodies (a response to CCTV surveilence) and that it is illegal to defend yourself against violent criminals in your own home, it's small wonder that people are losing confidence in civil authorities.
The Goose Creek case continues to unfold and it's looking grim.
My opinion of Huckabee increased a thousand fold when he uttered the following:
Even if we lose elections we should not lose our honor and that is more important than the Republican party.
Say what you will about him, but that is a principled stand.
Vote for the war, send the troops over and then tell them they're doing a shitty job.
Megan McArdle notices hypocrisy of gobsmacking proportions. People are actually proposing that it's OK to fly off hither and yon and keep brown people naked, poor and living in primitive conditions to offset your self-indulgence.
Emphasis mine. This is not to laud the Bush Administration, but rather, it took the death of 3,000 Americans to wake this nation up and make them realize we were doing jack squat to fight terror beforehand. We still have a long way to go (IMNHO) and I fear it will take another very serious attack to take those next steps.
Pay heed America. Without vigilance, this is your future:
If Sen. Craig was English:
English humor at it's finest.
A frequent topic of mine is our (collective) inability to see things that in in front of our faces because it does not conform to our prejudices. It turns out this may be directly related to biological and evolutionary factors. That means we're going to have to work much harder to overcome that sort of conditioning.
George Will unloads on Gonzales with a broadside:
[S]peaking of the tone-deaf, Alberto Gonzales could not even leave high office without advertising his unfitness for it. As he habitually has done, he reminded the nation that he has "lived the American Dream," which he evidently thinks is epitomized by his success in attaching himself to a politician not known for demanding quality in assistants. Gonzales then demonstrated how uncomprehending he is of essential American values. He said: "Even my worst days as attorney general have been better than my father's best days."
Well. His father married and had eight children—nine wonderful days, days even better, one would have thought, than any of the days his son spent floundering at the Justice Department. Furthermore, Gonzales's father had the fulfillment of a lifetime spent providing for his family. But what is any of that, Gonzales implies, compared with the satisfaction of occupying, however unsatisfactorily, a high office? This implicit disparagement of his father's life of responsibility and self-sufficiency turns conservatism inside out. It is going to take conservatism a while to recuperate from becoming associated with such people.
George Will has been the most consistent Conservative voice for decades. He has not changed one iota in favor of partisanship. Thank God we have him.
Imagine being an author and getting invited on Oprah and not being allowed to even mention your book:
Can we get one of these here in Delaware?
Are Muslim Immigrants Different in Terms of Cultural Integration?
Answer: Yes.
"We find that Muslims integrate less and more slowly than non-Muslims."
These guys claim to have an idea to replace batteries with capacitors. I'll wait and see on this one.
Insty has a link to this story. He points to this as a indication of a lack of confidence in civil authority. This, as he notes, is not unprecedented. Rather, it's one of the most famous stories of our nation's founding. It has a much more recent history as the article notes with both Loyalist and Republican gangs doing this, and much worse, in the recent past. In my view, this speaks volumes in that the Loyalists community in NI is much more closely tied to civil authorities than the Republican/Catholic community. That those more closely tied to the cops are not getting a response they needs makes me wonder what conditions are like for Catholics. Given the popularity of "Happy Slapping" in the UK and hoodies (a response to CCTV surveilence) and that it is illegal to defend yourself against violent criminals in your own home, it's small wonder that people are losing confidence in civil authorities.
The Goose Creek case continues to unfold and it's looking grim.
My opinion of Huckabee increased a thousand fold when he uttered the following:
Even if we lose elections we should not lose our honor and that is more important than the Republican party.
Say what you will about him, but that is a principled stand.
Vote for the war, send the troops over and then tell them they're doing a shitty job.
Megan McArdle notices hypocrisy of gobsmacking proportions. People are actually proposing that it's OK to fly off hither and yon and keep brown people naked, poor and living in primitive conditions to offset your self-indulgence.
I will tell you this: We are better prepared today for the war on terror than at any time in our history. We have done an incredible amount of things since 9/11, across the board. Intelligence is better. They are sharing it better. We are taking the terrorists down. We are working with the allies very carefully. We are doing the strategic operational planning, going after every element in the terrorist life cycle. So we have come a long way. But these guys are smart. They are determined. They are patient. So over time we are going to lose a battle or two. We are going to get hit again, you know, but you’ve got to have the stick-to-itiveness or persistence to outlast it.
Emphasis mine. This is not to laud the Bush Administration, but rather, it took the death of 3,000 Americans to wake this nation up and make them realize we were doing jack squat to fight terror beforehand. We still have a long way to go (IMNHO) and I fear it will take another very serious attack to take those next steps.
Pay heed America. Without vigilance, this is your future:
If Sen. Craig was English:
English humor at it's finest.
A frequent topic of mine is our (collective) inability to see things that in in front of our faces because it does not conform to our prejudices. It turns out this may be directly related to biological and evolutionary factors. That means we're going to have to work much harder to overcome that sort of conditioning.
George Will unloads on Gonzales with a broadside:
[S]peaking of the tone-deaf, Alberto Gonzales could not even leave high office without advertising his unfitness for it. As he habitually has done, he reminded the nation that he has "lived the American Dream," which he evidently thinks is epitomized by his success in attaching himself to a politician not known for demanding quality in assistants. Gonzales then demonstrated how uncomprehending he is of essential American values. He said: "Even my worst days as attorney general have been better than my father's best days."
Well. His father married and had eight children—nine wonderful days, days even better, one would have thought, than any of the days his son spent floundering at the Justice Department. Furthermore, Gonzales's father had the fulfillment of a lifetime spent providing for his family. But what is any of that, Gonzales implies, compared with the satisfaction of occupying, however unsatisfactorily, a high office? This implicit disparagement of his father's life of responsibility and self-sufficiency turns conservatism inside out. It is going to take conservatism a while to recuperate from becoming associated with such people.
George Will has been the most consistent Conservative voice for decades. He has not changed one iota in favor of partisanship. Thank God we have him.
Imagine being an author and getting invited on Oprah and not being allowed to even mention your book:
And, by the end of today, I will probably be one of America's most famously depressed citizens -- right up there with Terry Bradshaw and Brooke Shields -- rather than one of its new, hot, young (well, young-ish) writers.
This is what my life has come to; representing New Orleans on national TV as the city's most obviously disturbed public figure.
Well, after the mayor, that is, but I guess he wasn't available for Oprah because he's off in Shreveport or Bunkie trying to convince the people there that if they elect him governor, then he can perform the same healing magic on the state that he has bestowed upon the city.
(And O's people think I'm crazy?)
Can we get one of these here in Delaware?
Are Muslim Immigrants Different in Terms of Cultural Integration?
Answer: Yes.
"We find that Muslims integrate less and more slowly than non-Muslims."