Reason Magazine - Hit

Hot on the heels of this bit of naked thievery comes a story about police literally taking cash from people and requiring them to prove they didn't steal it. I guess it's guilty until proven innocent.

Left wingers decry the disappearance of cash into Iraq where it seemingly goes to graft, waste, fraud and abuse. Consider the $23 billion that disappeared in Missouri.

The latest apostate. Look for posts on DU/HuffPo/Kos to decry him as such in 3....2....1...

Bill Maher is confused when liberal MSM reporter refuses to reinforce his erroneous worldview. Kudos to said reporter for reporting the straight story instead of telling him what he wanted to hear.

More here from Ralph Peters. It is rare that Peters takes on GOP members but in this matter he's been consistent that things are going better than reported and we're gaining ground.

What all the children want is time with mom and dad.

The schools, seeing the trend in absent parenting, give children copious amounts of at-home projects. It is state-sponsored behavior modification. As an involved parent, I resent it. If I worked outside the home full time or was a single parent, I'd be angry as hell. The projects are always above the child's ability to do by himself and, anyway the teacher will grade your kids projects based on what other kids parents do, so everyone is stuck. The working parents probably assume "all those stay-at-home moms" (said with a sneer) make glorious projects and work extra hard to compete. I can assure you, that the stay-at-home moms are as miffed at the situation as anyone. They're stuck, too.

Too true. I remember homework in 2nd grade and perhaps earlier but mostly it was penmanship and memorizing multiplication tables and such. There was always the one science project that had to be done and was that thing that you never remembered until you woke up the morning it was due. Nothing like starting the day in sudden panic. I distinctly remember one year I showed up to school and saw several kids holding oversized items. As I got closer I realized with horror that they were science projects and I had completely forgotten.

The silliness of charges of fascism.
It's a bit long winded and tends to wander a bit but the point is a salient one. The Moving Goalposts Committee has reframed the argument to include what they wish. Post on lexicography to follow.

Parents who sexualize their daughters at an inappropriate age and why they do so.
I can't decide which is worse, the fact that the mother sees nothing wrong with this or that the (absentee?) father didn't go nuclear when he saw it. As a parent I've developed an uncanny ability to identify parents who want to be their child's friend and not their parent. I avoid them like the plague. Recently, my son had a school friend of whom he spoke fondly. I met the parents and they seemed like normal, sane people. It was not until I was in the presence of said child that I realize he was demonspawn. My Slacking Parent Radar had failed. Looks like I need an upgrade.

Banning guns in DC doesn't work because it's contiguous to places like Virginia where the inbred yokels actually allow their slaves serfs citizens to own handguns. If they were banned from an island gun crime would surely fall. There'd be no way for them to get onto the island. They are, after all, illegal. Right? Well, no.

Despite a ban on handguns introduced in 1997 after 16 children and their teacher were shot dead in the Dunblane massacre the previous year, their use in crimes has almost doubled to reach 4,671 in 2005-06. Official figures show that although Britain has some of the toughest anti-gun laws in the world, firearm use in crime has risen steadily.


Anna Venger said…
Official figures show that although Britain has some of the toughest anti-gun laws in the world, firearm use in crime has risen steadily.

duh, because criminals don't fear the law.

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