Daily Roundup

11 Most Expensive Sh*t you'll never need

The perils of taking the nuclear option off the table.
Here's a really lethal combination. Telling the enemy that you are going after him with inadequate forces and then specifying in advance what the limits of your rules of engagement are.

7 Deadly sins of children's entertainment. I've never quantified these things but Parental Radar is very very sharp and it picks up on these things very quickly. Everything my kids watch is pre-screened by me or The Wife. The number of things that are cast out by this list is alarmingly high.

Is Al Qaeda ramping up operations in the US? Could be. Those on the Right will call for immediate deployment of anti-Terror squads to every corner of the nation. The Left will plug their ears and sing "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Over and over again.

Highlights from the GOP debates. Read on if that is your wont. I'm not buying. Too friggin' early.

Anyone who says Al Qaeda is not one of the primary problems in Iraq is simply ignorant of the facts.

Only by driving can you reduce your carbon footprint.

Oh, that funding of Al-Qaeda

The Green Left has it's own version of pornography. If man disappeared

The death of atheism and the rise of post-atheism

Brutal. Simply brutal.

Shrewd review of Saudi arms deal alternatives

More dissent squashing

Free speech for me but not for thee

Like Mr. T, I pity these fools


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