Daily Roundup

What is the "Four-Square," and how do you beat it? Invaluable.

How do I get from Dover to Dover?

What Liberal Bias? Part MCMXLVI

Let's take a look:

Hundreds of people have been killed in Iraq during the last week, including 60 slaughtered in a similar Baghdad market on Thursday evening, as car and suicide bombers have continued to defy the new Iraqi-US security crackdown.

Suicide bombers defy security crackdown? Well, yes. They also defy surviving the day.

A security official told AFP earlier on Sunday that the Iraqi death toll was up 15 percent last month. US commanders openly admit there is no military solution to the lethal sectarian warfare, insurgency and rampant kidnapping.

I really doubt this is true. Does the reporter have a quote somewhere with some General saying "All is lost! My kingdom for a horse" or something? There is no solution that is exclusively military but that doesn't mean there won't be a military component.

Yet Lindsey Graham (news, bio, voting record), who as a Senator enjoys a six-figure salary, boasted about spending five dollars in what is one of the most favoured bombing sites in Baghdad and infamous as a nest of criminals under
Saddam Hussein.

Most of the rest of it speaks for itself...

On a trip blatantly directed at American voters, the senators were adamant that the new US crackdown was working and lashed out at Democrats for trying to force a US withdrawal and the media for not reporting the fuller picture.

"I'm not saying mission accomplished... it's long and it's hard. and it's very, very difficult, very, very difficult task ahead of us," said 70-year-old White House hopeful McCain, who was a prisoner in Hanoi during the Vietnam war.

Although the deployment of 80,000 Iraqi and US forces has seen a decline in sectarian execution-style killings, insurgents are increasingly taking their battle to other towns and cities.

Interesting to bury the decline in killings after noting an increase above...

"I studied warfare. I'm a student of history. If you control the capital city of a nation you have a significant advantage," countered McCain as one reporter giggled at the back.

Yeah, because reporters ought to be snickering at McCain's knowledge of war.

"The American people are not getting the full picture of what's happening here. They're not getting the full picture of the drop in murders," he hammered, reeling off a list of positives he felt the press were ignoring.

Yet journalists openly scoffed afterwards at what they considered a public awareness exercise secured on the streets by massive US security.

The congressmen admitted to "having protection", driving in armoured Humvees and keeping their body armour on, although they were encouraged by accompanying US commander in Iraq General David Petraeus to remove their helmets.

McCain's visit came a week after he told Bill Bennett's Morning in America radio show that there were parts of Baghdad where they could take a walk, in comments derided by a CNN journalist based in Iraq as a "Neverland".

Was security heightened? You bet your @ss it was. It's heightened when the President or Senators go anywhere in this country why would a war zone be any different?

The fact that they're able to stay there for an hour without a helmet is news in and of itself. Andrew, as expected, gets the vapors. He derides McCain as being deluded. Color me cynical but McCain is a politician and he knows that security has been greatly increased but in a bit of political spin, still crows that it's progress. Remember when Condi visited, she was at the airport in kevlar and that was seen as Iraq on The Brink of Quagmire (TM).

The Derb is mourning the death of Private Moyse. In truth, the good Private has been gone a long time and he's bemoaning (rightly IMNHO) the stiff-upper-lip-ectomy the Brits had when Maggie left office.

Was the Iranian foray into piracy a sign of weakness? Omar of Pajamas Media thinks so.
I'm not sure I share his view that this was for home consumption. Rather, it was a very good way to test British (and to a lesser degree, American) response.

Apparently the Saudis are not our friends? Really? Who knew?

Investors business Daily finally wakes up. You're a little late to the party, but welcome aboard. Even the most Scowcroftian Republican knows they're not our friends. They're a necessary evil. For now.


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