Daily Roundup

Dennis Prager thinks:

One must be allowed time for anger and grief. To speak of healing and closure" before one goes through those other emotions is to speak not of healing but of suppression.

He has a point. When it comes to death and dying, you don't get to skip to the end where you're a-OK. You have to be angry and sad and everything else to get to "fine".

The Brits are beginning to realize they cannot surveil their way into safety. The creeping statism there makes the US look like Dodge City by comparison.

Remember this man. He gave everything that others may live.

Librescu — a 76 year-old Holocaust survivor — blocked his classroom doorway from a gunman while his students leapt to freedom.

The world's oldest business goes under.
(Elsewhere, the world oldest profession is doing just fine.)

There is no reality. The universe is a hologram. YMMV.

Greg Gutfield has the quote of the day. This one sums up the Dean Wing of the Democrat part as succinctly as I've ever seen:

"September 11 will forever live in our consciousness, but let us not forget those that perished at the hands of Americans."

A modest proposal on how to prevent massacres like the one at VT this week. Apologies to Johnny.

One refrain we hear again and again from anti-war types is that the secular regime of Saddam would not truck with al-Qaeda types who opposed him and even wanted to topple him. Similar logic does not preclude the US from supporting various thugs and tyrants in the past somehow. Spook86 points to the latest incarnation of "Enemy of My Enemy" calculus in the games of state.

2006: "Not enough troops"
2007: "No, no, that's too many!"

The Cult of Privlidge continues apace. I've not seen these guys here in DE (no surprise) but I was nearly run over by Hillary's entourage on 5th Avenue a few years ago. NB: that's not a dig against Hillary, her NYC escort were going at least 80 miles an hour on a cross street.

Roundup of good news from Iraq.


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