Daily Roundup

Top: 21 Killed by gunman at VT. Say a prayer for the families.

Hube is getting paid by the word

Delaware slips 3 spots in most livable states.

Even the Chinese are going for real estate gimmicks.

I gave this exact same speech to when I was coaching little league and for some reason it was a big deal.


Another one here

Is Fred Thompson the real deal? Stephen Hayes thinks so.

If only John Corzine read this before he got in the car.

Howard Kurtz is asking where the people who called for Imus' head were when the Duke players were exonerated.

Hillary under fire from the Left.

Is B16 the Dalai Lama of Catholicism? Take it away Rocco...

Abortion crisis in the UK. The crises? More and more doctors are refusing to perform them on moral grounds.


Paul Smith Jr. said…
Re: Thompson article

Any article that compares a situation to a Simpsons episode is okay in my book.

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