Robot swarms 'evolve' effective communication

Robot swarms 'evolve' effective communication - tech - 23 February 2007 - New Scientist Tech

Robots that artificially evolve ways to communicate with one another have been demonstrated by Swiss researchers. The experiments suggest that simulated evolution could be a useful tool for those designing of swarms of robots.

Evolution eh? Sounds like creationism at it's origin and then followed by evolution! By Jehovah, the Fundies are right!

The simulated bots were allowed to explore their surroundings. The genomes of the bots that found food and avoided poison most efficiently were recombined, mimicking biological natural selection. Their "genomes" were combined and randomised in a way designed to mimick mating and mutation and used this to create the next generation robot.

In each experiment, five hundred generations were evolved this way, under different selective pressures. "Under some conditions, sophisticated communication evolved," says Keller. "We saw colonies that used their lights to signal when they found food and others that used signals to communicate they had found poison."

Cooperative communication evolved when selective success was judged at the group level – when many robots displayed efficient behaviour – or when the genomes of the robots were most similar – like biological relatives.

I gotta say that's really freaking me out.


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