Intentionally misleading headlines
Iraqi Insurgents Use 2nd 'Dirty' Bomb.
This one really grabbed my eye. Not just one but two dirty bombs in Iraq? Really!? Well, no. They mean dirty as in underhanded tactic not dirty as in nuclear fissile material. I have no doubt they used the word dirty in the headline as in intentionally misleading way. Quotes or no quotes, they knew the readers would be alarmed and click through to the story.
I declare shenanigans.
This one really grabbed my eye. Not just one but two dirty bombs in Iraq? Really!? Well, no. They mean dirty as in underhanded tactic not dirty as in nuclear fissile material. I have no doubt they used the word dirty in the headline as in intentionally misleading way. Quotes or no quotes, they knew the readers would be alarmed and click through to the story.
I declare shenanigans.