Friday Roundup
Top Ten tech. To me bendable concrete is the most amazing one.
Blame Cows Before Cars For Greenhouse Gases
Tony Snow apologizes. Good for you Sir.
Judge Upholds Detainee Law
Lawyers: DNA Not Linked to Duke Athletes. The case continues to unravel. If this ever goes to trial, I'll be amazed.
WSU panel says teacher's comment was 'immature'. (Kramer would love to have been downplayed as "immature")
What would you do with $100MM. Imagine that such decisions are yours to make.
"These people should be court-martialed". Yes. Yes they should.
I need one of these. Really. I weep with envy.
Things are going so swimmingly in Iraq we should....attack Iran
Prince Bandar Allegedly Advocating Military Response Against Iran
All hail Varifrank!
What did the Iraq Study Group tell us? According to Krauthammer, nothing useful.
Blame Cows Before Cars For Greenhouse Gases
FAO estimated that livestock are responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, a bigger share than that of transport. It accounts for nine percent of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, most of it due to expansion of pastures and arable land for feed crops. It generates even bigger shares of emissions of other gases with greater potential to warm the atmosphere: as much as 37 percent of anthropogenic methane, mostly from enteric fermentation by ruminants, and 65 percent of anthropogenic nitrous oxide, mostly from manure.
Tony Snow apologizes. Good for you Sir.
Judge Upholds Detainee Law
In an important victory for the Bush administration, a Clinton appointee to the federal bench upheld the new detainee law that bars Guantanamo prisoners from using American civil courts to challenge their detention. The same judge, James Robertson, first ruled against the Bush administration in 2004, necessitating the new law Congress passed this year and upheld in this latest decision:
Lawyers: DNA Not Linked to Duke Athletes. The case continues to unravel. If this ever goes to trial, I'll be amazed.
WSU panel says teacher's comment was 'immature'. (Kramer would love to have been downplayed as "immature")
"I don't care about the hurt feelings of one white person. The feelings of one little hurt white boy who's got all his white-skinned privilege are nothing compared to the hundreds of people he offended with his racist fence," the voice mail said...
"I feel that a person who instructs in a department that preaches equality and diversity and accepting all ideas is not fit to instruct in that department if he can't even have that tolerance for other people's views," said Ryder, who is from Olympia.
What would you do with $100MM. Imagine that such decisions are yours to make.
"These people should be court-martialed". Yes. Yes they should.
I need one of these. Really. I weep with envy.
Things are going so swimmingly in Iraq we should....attack Iran
Prince Bandar Allegedly Advocating Military Response Against Iran
All hail Varifrank!
What did the Iraq Study Group tell us? According to Krauthammer, nothing useful.